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D.C. Protest Calls for End to Iraq War (includes PHOTOS)

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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 10:36 PM
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D.C. Protest Calls for End to Iraq War (includes PHOTOS)

D.C. Protest Calls for End to Iraq War

2 hours, 32 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Several hundred anti-war protesters rallied Saturday for an end to the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq (news - web sites) and the immediate withdrawal of American troops. Protesters chanting "Bring the troops home" gathered in a park across the street from the White House. President Bush (news - web sites) was in Europe.

The protesters heard from Michael Berg, whose son, Nicholas, was beheaded by Islamic militants in Iraq. A video of the slaying was posted on the Internet.

Berg invoked the words of Martin Luther King Jr., saying, "The people of America and the world have told me that they have a dream and a vision ... and that that dream is a dream of peace, a vision of all nations living together in harmony and in love."

The Berg family considers the Bush administration at least partly responsible for what happened to Nicholas Berg. U.S. officials say Berg was detained by Iraqi police for a while, and Berg told his family that U.S. agents questioned him about whether he had ever built a pipe bomb or had been in Iran. American officials said FBI (news - web sites) agents saw Berg three times and urged him to leave Iraq because of the danger.

After the speeches, the protesters marched a couple dozen blocks to the Northwest Washington home of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who also was out of town, on a six-day trip to Asia.

Anti-war protesters arrive at the home of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Saturday, June 5, 2004, in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Michael Berg, whose son, Nicholas, was beheaded by Islamic militants in Iraq (news - web sites), waits to speak at an anti-war protest in Lafayette Park directly across the street from the White House, Saturday, June 5, 2004 in Washington.

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Karenina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 04:50 AM
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1. Thanx !
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Iceburg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 06:23 AM
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2. And Thousands Marched in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO, United States (AFP) - Thousands of anti-war protesters, including children and seniors, marched peacefully in San Francisco, chanting slogans against President George W. Bush and the US occupation of Iraq.

Pro-Israel protesters protested the protest ...
As they neared the Embarcadero, the protesters ran into about 500 pro-Israel demonstrators, waving Israeli and American flags, and protesting what they see as an anti-Israel message from the anti-war protests.

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