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Slow start threatens Medicare drug program

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Snellius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 11:37 AM
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Slow start threatens Medicare drug program
WASHINGTON - New Medicare prescription drug discount cards aren't catching on with seniors, and that could spell disaster for the program's developing drug insurance program.
From New Jersey to Arizona, few seniors showed up at drug store counters this week as the new discount cards became valid. Although government officials are reluctant to admit it, there are abundant signs seniors are turning their backs on the cards. "Most people are very skeptical about this," Sheehan said. "They're used to empty promises here."
The focus group research found that a majority of seniors have negative opinions about both the drug card and the coming Medicare prescription insurance program, largely because it doesn't offer a benefit they consider generous enough.
If large numbers of seniors don't participate in the drug insurance benefit when it begins, the program will collapse. That's because the premium and deductible structure Congress created was predicated on high participation rates, Garin said. The study also found that low-income Medicare beneficiaries, who have the most to gain from the drug cards, understand them the least.

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Don_G Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 11:41 AM
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1. Two Reasons
The seniors recognize it as Dimbo's payback to the Drug Industry for their generous campaign contributions and the program with 70+ companies is too confusing for most to understand.

It made my day to learn the AARP mailed out 57,000 applications for their program and had only 400 people sign up.
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wryter2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 11:41 AM
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2. Why should they participate?
It's a no-win proposition for them. Seniors aren't dumb, unlike some "presidents" I could name.
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Malva Zebrina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 11:53 AM
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3. seniors have been around long enough to know a con game when they
see it. Prices will be manipulated and will eventually go up to make up for the discount--seniors know this like they know the back of their hand because they have been around for a while---like you know--a loaf of bread used to cost under a dollar and stuff like that.

The only thing that will work that will relieve the suffering of seniors who are ill and suffering and trying to pay for crucial medication is a socialized medicine approach.

No way is that going to happen in this capitalist gone nuts country.

There are so many things working against it, including the attitudes of the young who are incensed that they have to pay for health care of seniors even now.

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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 12:02 PM
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4. I was thrilled to hear columnist Bill Ship on the Sunday show
say the cards were a bad idea. Bill is a Georgia very conservative columnist who is also part of a Sun. morning show called The Georgia Gang. Theother panelists asked him about the "cards" since he was the only member of the group was who was currently eligible. He said he stopped at his pharmacy and asked his drugist which one of these cards he should sign up for. The drugist said NONE! He said people don't realize that if they sign up for one of these cards, they lose any current benefits they might have. The only people these cards could possible help are the very poor, and to some degree, the low income people who have no benefits at all now.

I think this little jewel of Georgies is going to bite him BIG TIME!
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