I never listen or watch any of that trash. People do what works but it sometimes takes awhile till reality catches up to them. The Cold War morphed into each side being just like the other side. Some Outposts didn't get the memo, but thats just because no body else got one either.
The first thing that pops into my head when I am reading something is what the parties involved are trying to hide. Whether it be the source, the reporter, the editor or the corporation that controls it or maybe even something else. I like to question everything to figure why or if it would, does or had worked before
The guy that wrote this left much out to fit his diatribe, but at least he is throwing water on something, you can only put so much in a snip and so the bottom of the story does get more where to frou, but that's also when lying by omission takes place.
http://www.bigeye.com/010203.htmPYONGYANG BLUFF POKER
Jan. 2, 2003
NEW YORK - This column has warned since 1993 of the danger posed by North Korea's odious Stalinist regime and its nuclear weapons. But lately, we confess a measure of amusement, even sneaking professional admiration, for North Korea's `Dear Leader,' Kim Jong-il, for playing a really sharp game of Pyongyang Bluff Poker.
Though he resembles a hostile alien in a Japanese science fiction film, and rules over a bankrupt nation suffering mass starvation, Kim has thrown the mighty United States on the defensive, terrified his neighbors, churned up anti-American sentiment in South Korea, and exposed the illogic, hypocrisy and contradictions of President Bush's rational for war against Iraq.
By revealing his nuclear arsenal and kicking out UN inspectors, Kim Jong-il was in effect telling Bush, `you want a war? Try one against a real opponent, not almost defenseless Iraq. We've got nukes, germs, poison gas, missiles galore and a million tough troops. Remember your `Axis of Evil' tirade? Here we are, the Asian Axis. Come and get us.'
Clearly flustered, President Bush responded to Kim's dare by first hinting at war, then backing down and calling for negotiations. The same president who categorically refuses to negotiate anything with Iraq. Bush's embarrassing double standard over Iraq and Korea has provoked derision around the world.