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Diebold Stops Top Executives From Making Political Donations

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Lou_C Donating Member (944 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 12:43 AM
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Diebold Stops Top Executives From Making Political Donations
Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 12:44 AM by Lou_C
Diebold Stops Top Executives From Making Political Donations
The Associated Press
Published: Jun 6, 2004

NORTH CANTON, Ohio (AP) - Diebold Inc., criticized last year for selling electronic voting machines while its chairman raised money for Republican political candidates, has banned its senior executives from making such donations.
The company's board of directors last week passed an amendment to its business ethics policy, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. It states that top Diebold officials "may not make contributions to, directly or indirectly, any political candidate, party, election issue or cause, or participate in any political activities, except for voting."

Walden W. O'Dell, Diebold's chairman and chief executive officer, was criticized in August 2003 for having a $1,000-a-plate Republican fund-raiser at his suburban Columbus home. In a letter inviting people to attend, O'Dell said he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

He has since said he feels badly about the letter and has sworn off politics.

The new policy applies to the company's CEO, president, chief financial officer and others responsible for oversight of McKinney, Texas-based Diebold Elections Systems, the subsidiary that deals directly with the voting machines, according to the filing.

The policy places the same restriction on all employees of Diebold Elections Systems. Diebold spokesman Mike Jacobsen said Sunday it doesn't apply to people who work for other divisions of the company. He said neither O'Dell nor the company has made any political contributions since October of last year and that O'Dell spearheaded the policy change.

Hotdog dinner for $1,000.00 dollars....I think that I will pass.

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Andy_Stephenson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 12:45 AM
Response to Original message
1. In Texas...this is what we call...
Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 12:45 AM by God_bush_n_cheney
Shutting the barn door after the cow has gotten out.

Edit: Great PR move.
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 12:47 AM
Response to Original message
2. That does not cut it
We need a law that says if you are an executive of a company getting government contracts you are disallowed from making donations.
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Andy_Stephenson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 12:55 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I have another novel idea.
take the profit motive out of elections.
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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 12:55 AM
Response to Original message
4. Too little too late...and.. there are always ways to "donate"
Our country is "overly political" right now, and EVERY corporation has ties of one kind or another to politicians..

THAT'S what's got to stop..

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meow2u3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 10:48 AM
Response to Reply #4
11. Make more CORPORATE lobbying
The only ones who should be allowed to lobby are natural persons.
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abracadabra Donating Member (152 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 12:58 AM
Response to Original message
5. that's cool--some media attention to the INTENTION of Black Box Deibold
now that they say they won't be crooks anymore they can explain why they were crooks before...
Even the stupidest of all people can recognize this basic conflict of interest.
no genius required.

Can we really have team players as Refs in the election game???

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Lou_C Donating Member (944 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 01:02 AM
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6. Wouldn't it be funny if they served their Dinners in black boxes
You know how Bush hates hearing silverware clang while he is mumbling? A good idea would be to serve their food in black containers shaped like a Die-bold Box...kind of like a to-go take away box.

Just an idea for a republican fund raiser.
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truthisfreedom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 01:45 AM
Response to Original message
7. who give's a rat's butt what these guys say? they are totally corrupt.
they should be in prison.
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dusty64 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 06:47 AM
Response to Original message
8. We already know the
motivations of the company and its extremist execs. They can't stuff the cat back into the bag, sorry.
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President Jesus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 09:08 AM
Response to Original message
9. A list of what these guys have been giving (nearly 100% republican)
Diebold executives campaign contributions to date

Walden O'Dell
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Diebold

Eric C. Evans
President and Chief Operating Officer

Gregory T. Geswein
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Michael J. Hillock
President, Diebold International

David Bucci
Senior Vice President, Customer Solutions Group

Thomas W. Swidarski
Senior Vice President, Strategic Development & Global Marketing

James L.M. Chen
Vice President and Managing Director, Asia-Pacific, Diebold
(none found)

Warren W. Dettinger
Vice President, General Counsel and Assistant Secretary, Diebold

Charee Francis-Vogelsang
Vice President and Secretary, Diebold

Larry D. Ingram
Vice President, Global Procurement

Kevin J. Krakora
Vice President and Corporate Controller

Dennis M. Moriarty
Vice President, Customer Business Solutions

Daniel J. O'Brien
Vice President, Global Product Management and Engineering

Anthony J. Rusciano
Vice President, Customer Solutions Group, Marketing and Sales Practices

Charles B. Scheurer
Vice President, Corporate Human Resources

Robert J. Warren
Vice President and Treasurer, Diebold
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PATRICK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 10:23 AM
Response to Original message
10. personally I would encourage all such acts
of arrogant stupidity done in public. They didn't think it enough to be the corporate broker of ALL world elections? They had to fork over a few bucks and schmooze and brag to their political patrons?

We are lucky they did show their hand- and their stupidity. Simply going underground with their threat to democracy is cleaning anything except their critical PR image if that is still enough to sell us our digital shackles and slave collars.

Again they render the political reality "invisible" and "unverifiable".

Poof. Problem solved.
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