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Jury selection begins in citizen patrol case:Abuse of migrants at border a

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 05:39 AM
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Jury selection begins in citizen patrol case:Abuse of migrants at border a
June 6, 2004, 11:31PM

Jury selection begins in citizen patrol case
Abuse of migrants at border alleged
Associated Press

HEBBRONVILLE --(snip)....After continuing to find broken fences, food containers and other messes from migrants, Joe and Betty Lou Sutton last year called on Ranch Rescue, an Arizona-based group of armed vigilantes who believe citizens should protect the U.S.-Mexican border themselves. Now, the Suttons' ranch is at the center of a federal court case alleging abuses against migrants.

Jury selection begins today in a trial for Ranch Rescue volunteer Casey Nethercott. The Douglas, Ariz., man is accused of pistol-whipping two Salvadorans who attempted to cross the Suttons' land. Nethercott has pleaded innocent to felony counts of assault, unlawful detention and unlawful possession of a weapon.

Fatima Leiva and Edwin Mancia were crossing the ranch, reportedly on their way to family and jobs in Houston, when Nethercott's dog attacked them and Nethercott hit Mancia with the back of his handgun, injuring him, prosecutors said. Nethercott is accused of making the couple repeatedly kneel and stand, and interrogated them before releasing them outside the ranch gate.

Jim Hogg County police spotted the couple on the highway that passes the ranch, and brought them to the Border Patrol.
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AndyTiedye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 11:17 AM
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1. Jim Hogg County, Texas?
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