OOOps a duplicate..sorry
Sunday June 6, 2004
The Observer
Mercenaries accused of planning a coup in an oil-rich African state also worked under contract for the British government providing security in Iraq, raising fears about the way highly sensitive security work is awarded, The Observer has learnt.
Shocked MP demands a rethink of the way government awards its security contracts. Mercenaries accused of planning a coup in an oil-rich African state also worked under contract for the British government providing security in Iraq, raising fears about the way highly sensitive security work is awarded, The Observer has learnt. The Department for International Development (DfID) signed a £250,000 deal last summer with the South-African based Meteoric Tactical Solutions (MTS) to provide 'close protection' for department staff, including bodyguards and drivers for its senior official in Iraq.,2763,1232624,00.htmlGee it seemed like such a swell idea too. No accountability, oops guess it goes both ways. You just can't get good mercenaries these days. Imagine that mercenaries without morals. Maybe we should get them to form some kind of group that you have to belong to in order to get hired. You know something like Mercenaries with Moral Integrity.(note to the naive: this is sarcasm)