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Kerry Pays Respects to Reagan in California

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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 08:08 PM
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Kerry Pays Respects to Reagan in California
Kerry Pays Respects to Reagan in Calif.

1 hour ago

By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. - John Kerry paused for a moment of silent reflection before the flag-draped casket of former President Reagan on Tuesday, a brief appearance in a national spotlight that suddenly has shifted from politics and the Democratic presidential candidate.

Head bowed, eyes closed and hands clasped in front, the Massachusetts senator stood for about a minute to pay his respects to Reagan, the Republican icon who died Saturday and whose body lay in repose at the presidential library. Kerry, a Roman Catholic, made the sign of the cross and quietly recited the accompanying prayer before departing.

"I didn't agree with a lot of the things he was doing, obviously," Kerry said of Reagan, whom he called a "very likable guy." But he added that he got along well with the Republican, was able to work with him and visited the White House a number of times during his two terms.

"I met with Reagan a lot more than I've met with this president," Kerry said. The Democrat also said he had more meetings with George H.W. Bush during his one term than he has had with President Bush.

"I liked his father very much. I like his dad. He's a very good guy. He used to write notes. I have a number of notes from him. He's very thoughtful," Kerry said.
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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:40 AM
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1. Kerry will be a very fine President of the USA....he'll make us
PROUD once again to be Americans...

help us take back America...volunteer to work on Kerry's campaign and TAKE BACK AMERICA.....
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CO Liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 10:14 AM
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2. This Got Rush Limbaugh Very Upset Yesterday
I'm surprised El Rushbo didn't go to Simi Valley to pay HIS respects. I guess he thought it was more important to stay in his bunker and indoctrinate the dittoheads.
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