,0,130298.story?coll=sfla-news-floridaColorado springs, colo. · The only cadet at the Air Force Academy to face a court-martial after last year's rape scandal pleaded guilty Tuesday to reduced charges.
Douglas L. Meester of Marco Island was accused of assaulting a fellow cadet in October 2002 during a night of heavy drinking in a dorm room. He was originally charged with rape, sodomy, indecent assault and providing alcohol to minors.
Those charges were dropped and, in exchange, Meester pleaded guilty to conduct unbecoming an officer, indecent acts and dereliction of duty.
Meester, who had faced a life sentence, received a reprimand and was fined $2,000.
His mother, Connie Meester, burst into tears and hugged her son's attorney after learning he would be free.
Meester has left the academy and is on extended leave from the Air Force.