Granby attacker left "manifesto"By Howard Pankratz
Denver Post Staff Writer
Granby - Marvin Heemeyer never could forgive.
In what amounted to his manifesto, posted in the shed where he built his bulletproof bulldozer, he raged at society, blaming government and the town power structure for turning a reasonable man into the most destructive force Granby has ever seen.
"I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable," Heemeyer scribbled across a sign in his shed. "Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things. ...
"If we all don't win, we all lose."
Heemeyer said that four people, including himself, have all died "prematurely" since a disputed concrete batch plant was approved near his muffler shop.
"You, Granby, have got to learn to listen. Can you hear me now?"
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