By BILEN MESFIN, Associated Press Writer
SAN FRANCISCO - Police and anti-biotech protesters faced off outside a conference hall where the $40 billion industry is meeting. More than 150 people arrested.
About 125 people who would not disperse from a busy intersection were arrested Tuesday. That came after 33 people were taken into custody earlier in the day, according to police spokesman Dewayne Tully.
Most of the protesters, such as Kamala Stuart, 53, of Oakland, were demonstrating against genetically modified food. "They should label the food, if they think it's so good," she said, waving a sign that stated, "label GM Foods." "We want people to know, to question this stuff."
BIO officials have said they support the right of protesters to peacefully demonstrate, but wondered how anyone could be against fighting disease, which they say is the main focus of most of the industry