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Scientology Link To Public Schools (SF Anti-Drug Education)

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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:00 PM
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Scientology Link To Public Schools (SF Anti-Drug Education)
"A popular anti-drug program provided free to schools in San Francisco and elsewhere teaches concepts straight out of the Church of Scientology, including medical theories that some addiction experts described as "irresponsible" and "pseudoscience."

As a result, students are being introduced to some beliefs and methods of Scientology without their knowledge. Anyone listening to a classroom talk by Narconon Drug Prevention & Education is unlikely to recognize the connection with Scientology; the lessons sound nothing like theology. Instruction is delivered in language purged of most church parlance, but includes "all the Scientology and Dianetics Handbook basics," according to Scientology correspondence obtained by The Chronicle.

Narconon's anti-drug instruction rests on these key church concepts: that the body stores all kinds of toxins indefinitely in fat, where they wreak havoc on the mind until "sweated" out. Those ideas are rejected by the five medical experts contacted by The Chronicle, who say there is no evidence to support them.

Narconon was created by L. Ron Hubbard, the late science-fiction writer who founded Scientology, a religion that claims to improve the well-being of followers through courses aimed at self-improvement and global serenity. Narconon operates a global network of drug treatment centers, as well as education programs for elementary, middle and high school students."


Let's get more faith-based programs in the schools without delay!!
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Caution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. They came to my HS in the late 80's in MA
Telling the most absurd lies about various drugs. This program is designed specifically to get addicts into Narconon which is a gateway (pun intended) into the Church <cough> of $cientology.

For more info see:

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FlemingsGhost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:19 PM
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2. Anyone see "Donnie Darko?"
"I'm not afraid anymore .... Thank you Jim Cunningham!"
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Melodybe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:26 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Scientologists, the only people on earth that make me glad that there are
so many bible thumping christians.

Scientology ruined Tom Cruise. I can't even look at him any more.
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Democat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:32 PM
Response to Original message
4. The good part of this is it might make right wingers think twice
Maybe some right wingers will understand why the separation of Church and State is important when it's another religion trying to get to their kids in school.
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KamaAina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:33 PM
Response to Original message
5. Is every anti-drug program a front for something?
If (excuse me, when) they dump Narconon, they could always go with D.A.R.E., developed by none other than disgraced ex-L.A. police chief Daryl Gates.

D.A.R.E. has never been shown to reduce rates of youth drug use over the long term, but has been shown to make youth feel more positively towards police.

Come to think of it, the whole War on Some Drugs is pretty much a sham, so why is this a surprise?
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:57 PM
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6. Duplicate
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