The Japanese Prime Minister has told Washington he believes North Korea may be more open to giving up its nuclear weapons in return for economic aid and desperately needed energy supplies. In a one-on-one meeting at the G8 summit, Junichiro Koizumi outlined for President George Bush his recent talks with North Korea's leader and told him that "he detected in Kim Jong-il a bit more of a recognition that there might be advantages to giving up nuclear weapons", a White House official said.
Mr Koizumi had a lengthy meeting in Pyongyang with Mr Kim last month and Mr Bush was given what was termed "a detailed readout" on the talks. Mr Koizumi had urged the North Korean leader to "think carefully about the benefits" for his country if he reached a verifiable agreement on giving up nuclear weapons.
White House officials reacted cautiously to Mr Koizumi's briefing and said Mr Kim's new attitude would be tested soon in another round of talks due at the end of this month. The US has refused to hold formal talks of its own with North Korea, insisting that negotiations must involve six key countries, including Japan, China and Russia.
"We have to see whether the North Koreans follow through on that in Beijing in the next round of six-party talks," one senior US official said. "North Korea is a very successful propagandist, and it has shifted its position on critical issues in this matter before."