CAPTION: The coffins of the three children killed in their parents' apartment in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, seen during a vigil in Tenenexpan, Veracruz state, Saturday, June 12, 2004. The coffins arrived for an overnight vigil and will be buried Sunday. (AP Photo/Jaime Puebla)
Migrants Bury Children Murdered in U.S.
Jun 12, 10:35 PM (ET)
TENENEXPAN, Mexico (AP) - They fled to Mexico City, then to Baltimore in search of a better life.
But on Saturday, two migrant families returned to this poor town near Mexico's Gulf coast, torn with grief and the tragic task of burying their three children who were brutally murdered in the United States.
<snip to keep close to (c) rules and get to the following. Two kids aged 9, one 10. Two US relatives, are in custody>
As family members tried to hold her back, Maria Andrea Espejo fought her way to a coffin, opened the lid and embraced the body of her 10-year-old son.
"Why would anyone do this?" she screamed before fainting.
The bodies of the children were flown Friday to Mexico City, then brought in three small, white coffins to this poor town, tucked into the overgrowth of surrounding papaya and chile fields.
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040613/D835RR1G0.htmlViolence begets. If it were not for Nick Berg being where he shouldn't have been, for a war that shouldn't have been, and for Berg's beheading being trumpeted by the RW scumbags who defend our evil administration as some sort of justification for the United States military, by policy, to act in a manner sickly sub-humanely, anti-American, and beyond morality--were it not for all of that, this would not have happened.
Kids model adult behavior. In fact, adults model the state's behavior. Long ago I learned in psychology that when the state executes someone, the murder rate goes up.
The headline should be BEHEADED IN AMERICA.
These kids learned from the TV. Too bad * monopolized "evil-doer" 'cause, although I usually think it sounds stupid, it applies.
We have met the evil doer, and he is us.