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US has to realise Europeans want strong world role:French FM

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Flagg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 07:58 AM
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US has to realise Europeans want strong world role:French FM

Received Sunday, 13 June 2004 12:22:00 GMT

PARIS, June 13 (AFP) - The United States should realise the expanded European Union has ambitions of being a leading bloc in the world and intends to back that up with credible military muscle, French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier said in an interview published Sunday.
"The United States has to understand what we are doing in Europe," Barnier told the newspaper Journal du Dimanche in an article printed the day France and most EU states held European parliamentary elections.
"Europeans are going to have the desire and need to organise themselves to together be a global political player," he said.
The joint push, he added, will come "from the will of a certain number of their leaders, but also from the necessity foisted upon them by the unstable and dangerous world in which we live."
"Whether it's wanted or not, Europe is going to organise itself for its own security and to have all its weight felt in the new order in the world," Barnier said.
France has long seen itself as one of the leaders of the European Union, alongside Germany and Britain. They and other countries have been moving towards defence forces that can operate independently of NATO, the military alliance in which the United States plays a dominant role.
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 08:11 AM
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1. Airbus
is competing and winning contracts over Boeing. European satillites are competing against US ones. They are already world players.
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Massacure Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 08:33 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. And unfortunately we are stuck with our heads up our asses.
If someone doesn't do something soon about this country, I just may move to Europe after I'm out of highschool.

Britain has cheap college, and free healthcare. Perhaps if I'll stay there if I like it better than the U.S.
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area51 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 09:58 AM
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3. That's Shrub for you ...
... he's a "uniter, not a divider." Interesting how it's becoming true, though not in any way he would have wanted. :evilgrin:
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dutchdemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 02:28 PM
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4. The key to peace is a European Army

Is to restore the balance of power. NATO is an American tool and I am sad to see even Randi Rhodes advocating what is, essentially, the US military might with a headlock on Europe.

You really think we are going to continue to send our kids to die because America has leverage anymore? No. Iraq is your mess, you clean it up. NATO will and has to die and if Europe is to have some leverage now.

It's a UN mission or nothing.

Your tax dollars right? Your tax breaks.... wait no, their tax breaks, the big guys. Not the firemen who died in 9-11, not the rescue workers, not the nurses... no. Whose gonna pay for this fiasco? Or will BFEE just drive the country into the ground?

Hold it folks. We (Europe) have now an integrated economy which consists of close to half a billion people. It is imperative that we make our own choices in terms of security, not play the lapdog that England is - still trying kill in Brussels - they are working hard against an EU army.

Europe needs it's own army. NATO is bullshit. It's time for Europe to make civilised decisions based on the UN and the rule of International law. NATO lost is relevance when the wall came down and the collapse of the Cold War in 1989.

The future lies in the UN and if your RW nut cases, poodle senators, PNAC warriors, oil imperialists, and military corporations want carte Blanche muscle to rule the world and you continue to use aggression to do so I think you will be in for a surprise. Your old 'commie' enemy, Russia is becoming pretty chummy with Europe. China's not on good terms with the US either.

When the Euro displaces the dollar with OPEC, when Brazil pegs it's currency to the Euro, when Chavez gives you the finger.... well you got Haiti and Iraq and your treasury has been raped to pay for it.

As Powell said, "well you will own Iraq". I don't see the US occupation pipe dream ever being able to achieve the stability in order to siphon the oil effectively. Sure, Halliburton along with a slew of other whores including mercenaries from the old South African regime (kaffir killers) are sucking up tax dollars that should be propping up health care, pensions, job creation, real counter-terrorism in America.... no, you are being FUCKED over.

It's odd to see if from the outside. Really.

Get rid of Bush. Please.

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