Guadrian snip
Judge sparks row on domestic violence
Call to reject new protection for Spanish women incenses minister
Ben Sills in Granada
Saturday June 26, 2004
A leading Spanish judge has sparked a fierce row between conservatives and progressives by recommending that a government bill to protect women from domestic violence should be thrown out on constitutional grounds.
José Luis Requero made the recommendations in a report for the Judicial Council, a high-level constitutional committee. The council, dominated by appointments made by the centre-right People's party, endorsed the report in a vote this week.
The social affairs minister, Jesus Caldera, was incensed by the decision. He told the Spanish parliament it was time to choose between the forces of conservatism and the victims of abuse.
"Either you are with Mr Requero, the conservatives and the Opus Dei, or you are with the women of Spain, who need a law to protect their rights," he told People's party deputies, to applause from his own side.