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A Theory's Evolution by Charles Bernstein

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laststeamtrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 06:51 AM
Original message
A Theory's Evolution by Charles Bernstein
Edited on Mon Jan-01-07 06:52 AM by laststeamtrain
A Theory's Evolution

The Theory of Flawed Design is not a scientifically proven
Alternative to evolution. It is based on the everyday life
Experience that natural selection could not have produced
Such a catastrophic outcome. Optimists and the religiously
Inclined will naturally prefer evolution as an explanation,
Since ascribing Design to the state of humanity is almost
Unbearable. For the rest of us, we must continue to insist
That the theory of Flawed Design be taught cheek and jowl,
Neck and neck, mano a mano, with Mr. Darwin's
Speculations. The Theory postulates a creator who is Mentally
Impaired, either through some genetic defect or because of
Substance abuse, and is predisposed to behave in a sociopathic
Manner; although some Benign Flawed Design theorists, as
They call themselves, posit the radical alternative that the
Creator was distracted or inattentive and the flaws are not the
Result of Malevolent Will but incompetence or incapacity.

The above poem by Charles Bernstein ran on the op-ed page of Friday's Philadelphia Inquirer.

Happy New Year everyone. This year is not going to be like any other year. It's just going to be itself.

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lostnotforgotten Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 07:14 AM
Response to Original message
1. Heaven Forbid - God Is Flawed? - Don't Tell The Fundies
They will come unglued!
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