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Environmental Harmony - Editorial, The New York Times

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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 02:50 PM
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Environmental Harmony - Editorial, The New York Times
Editorial The New York Times
Environmental Harmony
Published: January 1, 2007

"The long history of Congressional bipartisan cooperation on environmental issues dating back to Richard Nixon has been seriously challenged only twice. The first time was in 1995, when the Gingrich Republicans swept into Washington determined to roll back environmental laws, a threat averted by President Bill Clinton’s veto pen and the exertions of a group of moderate Republicans. The second challenge occurred during the Congress that has now thankfully drawn to a close.

The Democrats’ return to power in both houses has raised hopes that some of the old cooperative spirit can be restored and progress made on vital matters like global warming, oil dependency, national parks and threatened wetlands.

Environmentalists in the House will certainly have more time to work on positive legislation, since they will no longer have to play defense against Richard Pombo, the California Republican who produced a stream of destructive schemes to open up protected public lands for commercial exploitation, rescind a longstanding moratorium on offshore drilling and undermine the Endangered Species Act. Mr. Pombo has been ushered into well-deserved retirement by California voters.

On the Senate side, there have been striking changes in leadership. Barbara Boxer, who cares about global warming, replaces James Inhofe, who doesn’t, as head of the Environment and Public Works Committee. Jeff Bingaman, who emphasizes conservation as the appropriate response to oil dependency, replaces Pete Domenici, who tends to favor greater production of America’s dwindling supplies of oil and natural gas, as chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

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Stargazer99 Donating Member (943 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 03:01 PM
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1. Maybe we the people will have some chance at repairing the
Edited on Mon Jan-01-07 03:01 PM by Stargazer99
damage to our nation that the money hungry grubbers (Republican Cons) of privitizing has produced. It seems like we the people are like that perverbal must be hit on the head first before it pays attention. The state of our rivers, seas and lands ought to be a major wake up signal. We can't eat fish more than once a week, spinach has sickened and poisened we the people because corporate America has been babied and not made responsible for the destruction to our planet and its people. For example EXXON has just been excused for a large portion of the fines they were ordered to pay and how many years ago did EXXON pull off their destruction of fishermen's liverly hood not to mention the destruction of artic animal life. Corporate America are SPOILED BRATS and we the people had better start getting nasty. Hamilton warned us that we could keep America if we could keep corporations under control. Corporations played a major part of England's oppression of we the people. Never heard about it? Study your history that school never taught you about...why they didn't is a good question.
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MasonJar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 03:04 PM
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2. Good for the NYT.
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