From Truthout:
The Rich Stand Accused
By Louis-Gilles Francoeur
Le Devoir
Saturday 06 January and Sunday 07 January 2007
Capitalism is the source of social and environmental crises.
What do global warming, pollution of the atmosphere, streams, rivers and oceans, the exhaustion of natural resources, the accelerated extinctions of species, deforestation, the liberation of GMO into the environment, and - coming soon - the infinitely small and practically undetectable pollution of nano-materials have in common? Capitalism and the oligarchy that profits from it, as first cause, answers Hervé Kempf in a bombshell book published in Paris by éditions du Seuil.
A journalist who specializes in the environment for Le Monde, Hervé Kempf has taken his work to the four corners of the planet and frequented - as is the privilege of an environmental chronicler - the cream of the scientific community, "people who tend to be rather calm and steady." Yet, from these contacts and the issues patiently compiled for the newspaper where he works, he retains two observations, he writes at the outset of Comment les riches détruisent la planète
, which will be available in Québec February 6th.
First, he explained in a telephone interview yesterday, the planet's ecological situation is worsening at a rate that neutralizes all the efforts of millions of citizens and ecological militants, to the point that the planet is in danger of crossing a threshold of irreversibility "within the next 10 years," he believes, on the basis of the speed at which negative outcomes are piling up.
The second observation of this attempt to provide a veritably comprehensive explanation of the environmental crisis is that "the social system that presently governs human society - capitalism - blindly, doggedly rejects the changes necessary if we want to preserve the dignity and promise of human existence."
In the same way that the different aspects of the global environmental crisis react with more and more synergy - warming accelerates the rate of species extinction, as use of fossil fuel gives rise to pollution, and consumption to the exhaustion of resources - the planetary ecological and social crises are two mutually bound-up facets of the same problem.
"We cannot understand the simultaneity of the ecological and social crises if we do not analyze them as two facets of the same disaster. This disaster derives from a system piloted by a dominant social stratum that today has no drive but greed, no ideal but conservatism, no dream but technology. This predatory oligarchy is the principal agent of the global crisis," writes Kempf. "The present form of capitalism," he adds in an interview, "has lost its former historic ends, that is to say the creation of wealth and innovation, because it has become a financial capitalism, disparaged even by capitalist economists. This capitalism, which destroys jobs by rationalizations, new technologies and globalizations, overall and everywhere increases the disparities between rich and poor within each country and between different countries," the journalist observes. .....(more)
The rest of the article is at: