,0,5766328.column?coll=orl-lifestyle-colWake up, American workers -- only unions can protect your jobs
Published January 16, 2007
Not all Christians are nice people and all people who are nice are not necessarily Christians, bigot!
To the lady who called AAA from a liquor store: I think you called one to many A's!
People approach churches and service organizations for holiday assistance for toys and have the audacity to try to return them for cash at retailers even when they have Salvation Army or Toys for Tots stickers attached.
When will you union haters realize it's greedy CEO's and stockholders who are the reason jobs are being outsourced to Mexico and overseas, where they pay $2 a day wages and don't have to pay America's fair wages for a fair day's work. You must be one of those morons from Michigan I read about every day in the Flint Journal, my hometown newspaper, who blames the union for being a loser.