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Pentagon official apologizes to detainees' lawyers

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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:40 AM
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Pentagon official apologizes to detainees' lawyers
A Pentagon official who criticized American law firms for defending detainees at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay apologized in a letter to the editor published in The Washington Post on Wednesday.
(letter to the editor)
During a radio interview last week, I brought up the topic of pro bono work and habeas corpus representation of detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Regrettably, my comments left the impression that I question the integrity of those engaged in the zealous defense of detainees in Guantanamo. I do not.

I believe firmly that a foundational principle of our legal system is that the system works best when both sides are represented by competent legal counsel. I support pro bono work, as I said in the interview. I was a criminal defense attorney in two of my three tours in the Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps. I zealously represented unpopular clients -- people charged with crimes that did not make them, or their attorneys, popular in the military. I believe that our justice system requires vigorous representation.

I apologize for what I said and to those lawyers and law firms who are representing clients at Guantanamo. I hope that my record of public service makes clear that those comments do not reflect my core beliefs.


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rwenos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:42 AM
Response to Original message
1. Sounds Like . . . .
. . . somebody with partner rank at O'Melveny or Sidley & Austin made a call to the West Wing, and set somebody's SHIT STRAIGHT.
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Kagemusha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:47 AM
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2. So if they don't represent his core beliefs
he just vented his frustration with their causing his life to be less convenient by engaging in blatant McCarthyist government intimidation of attorneys representing titular enemies of the state, because it felt good and he wanted to cause them grief?

Is that it?
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KeepItReal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:47 AM
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3. I call B.S. In the words of Dallas Cowboys Michael Irvin...
"I want you to report me bring innocent with the SAME INTENSITY you reported me being guilty.....
Don't lose the intensity...DON'T LOSE IT!!"

A letter to WaPo ain't the same as an on-air interview. I wanna see an on-air apology.
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Webster Green Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:50 AM
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4. That's bullshit!....He should be fired immediately!
His comments were totally out of line for someone in his position.

Heckuva job, Cully!
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yellowcanine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 03:01 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. I agree, An apology for someone in his position is not nearly enough.
His comments undermined our system of justice and the Constitution. He needs to seek alternate employment. We do not owe him a job.
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The Magistrate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:54 AM
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5. Nowhere Near Good Enough, Ma'am
Edited on Wed Jan-17-07 01:55 AM by The Magistrate
He should have been fired yesterday: he ought to be dis-barred, and set to flipping burgers at Mickey-D's....
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EST Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 02:06 AM
Response to Original message
6. Assuming he HAS core beliefs, and, since his impassioned
declarations don't represent those supposed beliefs, what the hell do they represent?

I suspect his "new" statements likely represent his core beliefs that he wants to keep his job so as to continue to curry favor with his idols.

This sick fu*k should be publicly pilloried and sent to the showers. His Keith Olbermann moment probably had the greatest effect on his sudden awareness of his "core beliefs."

Another wingy tool.
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 02:31 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. yeah, and who really gives a rat's ass about his core beliefs
It's not about him; it's about the United States and the constitution; about freedom and the right to dissent. The right to a vigorous defense.

That's what professionalism is: knowing what the ideal is and then living up to it.

This guy is another typical right-winger, thinking it's all about him and his beliefs. Sorry jerkoff, it's a bigger issue than just you.

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