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Dick Morris: ‘Minor Leaguers’ May Lead GOP

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brooklynite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:34 PM
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Dick Morris: ‘Minor Leaguers’ May Lead GOP
Notwithstanding the author and the source, an interesting perspective on potential GOP trouble in '08...

Political analyst Dick Morris used a baseball analogy out of season to summarize what he considers the bleak prospects for Republican victory in the 2008 presidential election.

"I think you’ll see one of the minor leaguers win it ,” Morris told Fox News Channel.

Morris thinks the leading Republican candidates – Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich – are "too flawed” to win the hearts and votes of conservatives in the early primaries.

"The top four candidates for the Republican nomination can’t win,” Morris said. "Rudy Giuliani, John McCain . . . Romney with all of the flip-flops on abortion and Newt Gingrich, who I don’t think gets into it.”


"I think that the Republican nominee is going to be one of these minor leaguers: Tancredo, Huckabee, Brownback, Gilmore from Virginia, Duncan Hunter from California,” Morris said. "It’s like the pitching rotation is all going to be injured at the World Series and the Triple –A pitching staff, one of them is going to pitch the opening game.”

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noahmijo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:47 PM
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1. Pff the minor leaguers will get eaten by their own before they even reach "I'm a somebody" status
Especially if you toss the likes of Gingrich in there

Rudy? he's a womanizing CATHOLIC!! and he's Italian. One down

McCain? he supports abortion!! well he used to. But he hates God!! he's Irish! he has a black baby!! he betrayed the troops in Vietnam!! Wow that was easy

Never even heard of the other names.

I can think of at least 4 or 5 high profile Democrats all whom have a sporting chance at winning especially with the band of losers the repubs plan on throwing at us. McCain is their strongest man and his credibility has been shot to hell thanks to his association with Shrubbie-I'll be surprised if Arizona even votes for him at this point.

I think for the first time in my 25 years of life next November I'm going to see what happens when the Democrats hold all houses of power for a change and then we'll all see the true contrast.
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DavidDvorkin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 02:00 PM
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2. They're all minor leaguers, including Bush
Only constant press attention and adulation builds them up temporarily into something more.
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saltpoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 02:05 PM
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3. I wish the media would stop asking Dick Morris for his take on
Edited on Wed Jan-17-07 02:07 PM by Old Crusoe

Absent that, I suppose the man has a point. The GOP pack-leaders are a flawed bunch. An banged-up offensive line all playing injured and unable to guarantee first-down yardage against a tough blue rush.

Tancredo is insane and hateful, either one of which is disqualifying for the job he seeks. The Senator from Kansas is also insane and hateful, but dresses nicely and is deceptively calm. Watching Brownback on C-Span, it's much harder to accept that he's responding to internal stimuli.

The Governor of Arkansas has a certain folksy thing going, but he's more suited to judging 4-H events in a barn than becoming leader of the free world. And there are more qualified 4-H judges.

Gilmore's thin resume and narrow mind disqualify him right out of the gate. Someone in Virginia told me he ws genitally disfigured. Is that true? In any case I don't see him in the Oval Office any time in the next couple of centuries.

I assume Duncan Hunter is running for the vice presidency. I think he'd make a good host of the Grand Ole Opry but I think any of our blue candidates will wipe the electoral floor with him.

Hagel just might have the chops to win in New Hampshire. Conservatives don't like him, but if none of the top-tier GOP candidates are chosen, I think Hagel wins the nomination before any of the others.
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PATRICK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 02:19 PM
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4. Sidestepping reality
What has House Bush settled upon a the succession? Is there a split in that inside the family/friends circle that will determine the next choice in that sorry pack of unappealing half rivals?

Do they TRY to win with someone they trust not in the inner circle(all of the "major" contenders)? Can they find a bound hack who can win? A family member? They have toyed openly with Rice and Jeb and zippo if not outright backstabbing even for vocally fawning suitors like McCain. McCain is precariously THE crown prince of George II, but * alone is getting to be THE liability.

Do they write off the Presidency and begin the job of tearing it down and the Democrat with it? Hard to do with them currently there. Hillary makes it easier to start. Do they concentrate on their heretofore arrogant relationship with lower office candidates? Do they have a great way to get in after the Dem president is ruined? Can they pick "the best Dem for them" maybe even a troll though Joe is completely out of the running?

It is literally a royal mess, even among the kingmakers. The actual GOP voter is the enemy of the process and is occupied more firmly than Iraq. There are no sure choices for anyone and the ones who get to choose have dilemmas by the score. The flaw of the individual candidates has been defined as not being Bush and their only appeal to win could be not being Bush. The spew of a political adviser hack notwithstanding. Their only job is as functional propagandists for the the will of the king and their real skills are not in democratic "appeal" or real issues but in character assassination of targets they are paid to hit. They too rot in ham sandwich limbo acting as if they had a real game, secret or mythical.
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