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Dear Nancy Pelosi, End the Invasion of Iraq and Afganistan Now!!!

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-08-07 10:18 AM
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Dear Nancy Pelosi, End the Invasion of Iraq and Afganistan Now!!!
Dear Nancy Pelosi, End the Invasion of Iraq and Afganistan Now!!!
William C. Carlotti

Dear Nancy,

I’m getting all of these wonderful letters from a variety of politicians that address me as William.

Yours is the latest and I’m really pleased that the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives has entered into this friendly, informal dialogue with me. I’ve returned the pleasantry by addressing this to you as Nancy.

Your letter states that you want to hold the "Iraqi government accountable".

Accountable for what?

Do you want to hold them accountable for the slaughter of innocents that at the last count was determined by Lancet to be more than 600,000 dead civilians and still counting?

Do you want to hold them accountable for the 100,000 to 150,000 well paid assassins, mercenaries, contract killers you voted to fund in addition to the 150,000 regulars of the United States armed forces killing machine?

Do you want to hold them accountable for the destroyed water filtration plants, for the destroyed sewage treatment plants, for the destruction of the electric generating stations and the electric supply grid and the rest of the Iraqi infrastructure?

Do you want to hold them responsible for the total destruction of the Baghdad Museum and the looting and destruction of its priceless antiquities from the ancient origins of the Earth’s civilizations?

Is it your intention to "hold the Iraqi government accountable" in the stead of your own culpability, accountability, responsibility for the slaughter of innocents engendered by the invasion of Iraq?

You write, “…the President isn’t listening to the American people’s call to end this disastrous war”.

Yet, you sponsored, debated for and voted for a bill that, according to you, “fully funded the troops on the ground” and that gave “the President every penny he requested for soldiers on the ground and more.”

Now Nancy, please explain to me how you have complied with the “American people’s call to end this disastrous war” by more than fully funding the President’s requests to continue the invasion and occupation in Iraq?

You write that you want support for your fight “for a New Direction in Iraq” for “a plan for change in Iraq”. But the American people did not ask for “a new direction”, did not ask for “a plan for change”. The American people’s call is to end this disastrous invasion that you call a war.

You have referred to the fact that you want to hold the President “accountable” for the “failed stay-the-course strategy Iraq”. Yet you voted for every nickel that has placed the American people into a historically unprecedented debt to support that strategy AND now you are boasting that you have just voted again for “every penny…and more he requested.”

Even though you have referred to “the American people’s call to end this disastrous war”, you are just are not getting it. Or maybe you have just decided to wrap yourself around the American people’s call to end the occupation in order to surreptitiously embark on some other nebulous plan of continued slaughter and mayhem under the banner of holding the puppet government of Iraq “accountable”.

Cut it out Nancy! Give up the sleazy razz ma tazz. Get out of Iraq—NOW—in the same way that we got out of Vietnam ---even though you might need a few more planes and helicopters than were used in Vietnam for the 5000 diplomats you have huddled in the Baghdad compound to fight over. It’s a lot cheaper to GET OUT NOW---in lives and money----than the bill you passed.

William C. Carlotti

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Rydz777 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-08-07 10:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. I agree with William, good letter. Just imagine: the new
Democratic President takes office in March 2009 and gets multiple gifts from Bush including this misbegotten war and a looming recession. The best gift Nancy can give us all is to cut off the funds and stop this war now.
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AZ Criminal JD Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-08-07 11:02 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. We haven't had a Presidential inauguration day in March
for about 75 years. It is now January 20th.
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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-09-07 09:47 AM
Response to Original message
3. Dear William,
I am supposed to take advice from a Filthy Little Nobody like YOU?!?

I am Nancy Pelosi. I am rich and powergful and I eat people like you for breakfast, William. I make enough in week than you make in a year. And you expect me to listen to YOU?!?

Why, if only this country wasn't so squishy-soft, you would get what yuou deserve for questioning Our Munificent and Superior Wisdom.

Arrested and thrown in jail like the vagrant you are.

You should show deference to your Superiors, the way I do when the Bushies tell me to do something or they are going to point their Mighty Wurlitzer at me.

In conclusion, you and all those Filthy Little Nobodies I represent disgust me.

If you wanted me to listen to you, you should at the very least have your own multi-billion dollar Might Wurlitzer of Lies to threaten me with.

You disgust me. Now I've got to concentrate on more important things, you vagrant, things you could never imagine in your uneducated, simple mind.

Things like this delicious creme brulee.

Nancy Pelosi
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dmosh42 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-09-07 10:09 AM
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4. Is Cindy Sheehan still running in the primary? I'm hoping...n/t
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