A little levity ... as we transform.
Swami’s State of the Universe for 2004 “Wake Up, America!”
Wake Up Laughing, and Wake Up Loving
Greetings, and happy new year! And even though it’s a brand
new year, you know what? It’s still now. A later now, but still
now. Last year I predicted the book “The Power of Now”
would be the next big thing -- and it was. And with more and
more people learning to be in the now, I will make an even
more radical prediction: Living in the now will be the wave of
the future, until time itself becomes a thing of the past.
How’s the Universe? Just Fine, Thanks
This is the State of the Universe Address, and knowing how
busy most of us have been, you probably haven’t stopped to
ask, “I wonder how the Universe is doing.” Well, since you
didn’t ask, I will tell you. Just fine, thank you. Ever-changing,
same as always. purring in perfection. The Universe continues
expanding, and I don’t care what the economists are saying, an
expanding Universe means more jobs for everyone. Overall
activity is up, and when the Universe puts on its overalls, you
know it’s gonna be a busy year
And we will need all of the angelic energy we can get, because
I have to tell you, the forces of endarkenment made great
strides last year, leaving their footprints on the backs of far too
many. Sadly, 2003 was the year that the Irony Curtain
descended over America -- the invisible wall of impropaganda
they put up to separate the people from the truth. And when
Michael Moore broke through the soundless barrier at the
Academy Awards Show, it was a moment of truth in a year
that was short on truthful moments. His courage to speak the
truth at a time when lie-ability appeared to be an asset makes
him the leading candidate for this year’s NoBull Prize.
Body Politic Anemic Due to Irony Deficiency Yes, the body
politic has been inundated with so much toxic BS, our skeptic
system has overflowed and we’ve ended up swallowing toxic
ironies whole. This is called “irony deficiency.” Seeing a
doctor won’t help, but seeing a paradox will.
Like this one: The best way to preserve our liberties is to take
them away. And maybe if we call it the Patriot Act, no one will
notice that it is the most unpatriotic and unconstitutional
legislation ever passed. Looking on the positive side, though, it
has made our lives simpler. The Bill of Rights has now been
boiled down to just one: You have the right to remain silent......
Swami Beyondananda, Valentine’s Day, 2004
http://www.wakeuplaughing.com This is one of the truest, funniest pieces I've read in ages. Enjoy it.