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Dollars & Sense: The End of Pensions?

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 08:42 AM
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Dollars & Sense: The End of Pensions?
The End of Pensions?
by Dollars and Sense

By Shamus Cooke | December 15, 2008

Unless things change fast, human history will show that the phenomenon of "retirement" was limited to one generation. After World War II, when European and Japanese economies stood in tatters, American capitalism could fulfill "the American dream," since there was little foreign competition to speak of. For the first time ever, workers were promised that—after working thirty or so years—they would be able to securely retire. That was largely the case...for one generation.

The second generation is having a devastating reality check. 2008 was supposed to be a watershed year for retirement: it was the first year that the baby-boomers turned 62, and the retirement frenzy was to begin (since people could begin to draw on their social security benefits). Early in the year, however, a study was conducted that found one-fourth of these boomers were delaying retirement (only the baby-boomers who were actually able to plan for retirement were studied). The economy has since nosedived, and many more retirements are being delayed. The unfortunate reality is that many who planned on retiring will work until the grave, joining the millions of other baby-boomers who never had such dreams.

The experts are calling this the "perfect storm" for retirement. Everything that could go wrong is in fact going wrong. This storm, however, was not created by supernatural forces, but the coordinated effort of big-business and their puppet politicians.

The deliberate destruction of the pension and its replacement by the 401(k) was, of course, a giant step towards attacking retirement; but now that the economic crisis has emerged, we're beginning to see just how ruinous the effects are. ........(more)

The complete piece is at:

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Historic NY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:12 AM
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1. Work until death.....then you won't need a pension.
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Double T Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 10:24 AM
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2. When the rethugs and wall street couldn't get control of social security and retirement funds.......
through privitization, THEY decided the middle class won't have ANY retirement funds. How much do americans need to be squeezed before THEY become outraged and do something about washington and wall street?
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sarcasmo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 10:35 AM
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3. The next step is raising the Social Security age three or four years.
The most people will die before they can even claim what was rightfully their money.
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 11:08 AM
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4. Work until death? At what jobs? One: business does not want the aged.
TWO: What the fuck jobs are we talking about. We can't all scratch and fight over the one job at that McDonald's window.
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