LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- Under fire for opposing gay marriage, influential evangelical pastor Rick Warren said Saturday that he loves Muslims, people of other religions, Republicans and Democrats, and he also loves ''gays and straights.''
The 54-year-old pastor and founder of Saddleback Church in Southern California told the crowd of 500 that it's unrealistic to expect everyone to agree on everything all the time.
''You don't have to see eye to eye to walk hand in hand,'' said Warren.
Warren also defended President-elect Barack Obama's invitation that he give the invocation at the Jan. 20 inauguration in the keynote speech he delivered at the Muslim Public Affairs Council's annual convention in Long Beach.
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2008/12/21/us/AP-Warren-Speech.htmlMy opinion? I don't trust this guy as far as I could throw him, and that's well before all this blew up. Obama should have picked a real theologian scholar. Somebody with brains; the FReepers wouldn't know how to handle that.