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AP Study Finds $1.6B Went to Bailed-Out Bank Execs

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dtotire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 05:33 PM
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AP Study Finds $1.6B Went to Bailed-Out Bank Execs
AP Study Finds $1.6B Went to Bailed-Out Bank Execs

Published: December 21, 2008

Filed at 5:08 p.m. ET

Banks that are getting taxpayer bailouts awarded their top executives nearly $1.6 billion in salaries, bonuses, and other benefits last year, an Associated Press analysis reveals.

The rewards came even at banks where poor results last year foretold the economic crisis that sent them to Washington for a government rescue. Some trimmed their executive compensation due to lagging bank performance, but still forked over multimillion-dollar executive pay packages.

Benefits included cash bonuses, stock options, personal use of company jets and chauffeurs, home security, country club memberships and professional money management, the AP review of federal securities documents found.

The total amount given to nearly 600 executives would cover bailout costs for many of the 116 banks that have so far accepted tax dollars to boost their bottom lines.

Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services committee and a long-standing critic of executive largesse, said the bonuses tallied by the AP review amount to a bribe ''to get them to do the jobs for which they are well paid in the first place.

''Most of us sign on to do jobs and we do them best we can,'' said Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat. ''We're told that some of the most highly paid people in executive positions are different. They need extra money to be motivated!''

The AP compiled total compensation based on annual reports that the banks file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The 116 banks have so far received $188 billion in taxpayer help. Among the findings:

--The average paid to each of the banks' top executives was $2.6 million in salary, bonuses and benefits.

--Lloyd Blankfein, president and chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, took home nearly $54 million in compensation last year. The company's top five executives received a total of $242 million.

This year, Goldman will forgo cash and stock bonuses for its seven top-paid executives. They will work for their base salaries of $600,000, the company said. Facing increasing concern by its own shareholders on executive payments, the company described its pay plan last spring as essential to retain and motivate executives ''whose efforts and judgments are vital to our continued success, by setting their compensation at appropriate and competitive levels.'' Goldman spokesman Ed Canaday declined to comment beyond that written report.

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natrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 05:45 PM
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1. and imagine the billions upon billions that went to the caymans-biggest scam in modern history
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RainDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 08:31 AM
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2. not ONE more cent to these assholes
let them sell their corpo jets, let them use their money to make good on their thefts.

Paulson is nothing more than a whore for these pimps.
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supernova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 09:36 AM
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3. So, only when they noticed that the weren't going to get
their christmas bonuses (HORRORS!!) , did they then run to Congress for help?!?

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