The 6 Stages of Teabaggery
old new lefty
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross entered social science history and obtained fame when she conclusively identified the five stages of experiencing a slow death. Old new lefty has gone through his own slow death experience lately by attempting to make contact with Teabaggers, and is here to report on the five stages that educated progressives go through in dealing with the 'baggers. For one thing, trying to communicate with them doesn't make you any younger, and many of the 'baggers are in their golden years, so they're near slow death themselves.
LAUGHTERProbably your first encounter with the Teabagger is by watching the John Stewart show, or maybe Keith Olbermann is feeling in a good mood that day.
When you first see those misspelled signs on the Constitution or those signs saying, "KEEP SOCIALISM AWAY FROM MY MEDICARE" it's a truly WTF moment. I mean, what gives with these people anyway? Are they really that dumb? And the whole movement pretty much looks like a bad soap opera only without the sex.
CURIOSITYThen you start to wonder. Is weird Uncle Harold a Teabagger? What about that old fart who lives down the street from you who always flies the American flag and has a pickup truck with a gun rack on the back? If you're an enquiring mind, you really want to know. So you screw up your courage and walk down the street to stand on Crazy Phil's lawn to get his view on political things.
BOREDOMWTF turns into yadda yadda yadda pretty quickly. Chris Matthews says, "Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line," and in any initial questions of the 'bagger there will be some of the regurgitations he's seen on the F*x News.
Something Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh said comes back to you as if you'd pulled the string on a Chatty Kathy doll. I don't know who the mastermind is who thinks up all of these zingers -- that everyone then immediately parrots as if it's the unquestionable truth. Maybe it's some pimply faced 20 year old intern chained to a computer. I don't know, but it's very important to get through this stage to the next one.
ANGERIf you continue with probing questions, eventually your blood is going to boil, and it won't be any damn good. One likely reason for anger is him (it usually is) spouting off birther nonsense about forged Kenyan birth certificates. Another source of anger is racism or homophobia. That one always guarantees a rise in your gorge. My anger stage came when I got a bagger to spout off nonsense like this.