A federal prosecutor in Michigan says authorities decided to arrest members of the Hutaree Christian militia after learning "they were prepared to kill."
When I first learned of the news I went to the Hutaree Militia homepage and was struck by the fact that their site included links to a number of evangelical "End Times" sites like that of the Jack Van Impe ministries.
In the 1970s and 80s I appeared several times with Jack Van Impe on his TV program. His act was to predict the "imminent" return of Jesus. My act was to raise money for my latest far religious right effort to make abortion illegal.
As the son of well known evangelicals and far right leader Francis Schaeffer I was in the middle of the chain of events that led to the arrests of men prepared to kill cops for Jesus. The rhetoric we in the early pro-life movement unleashed combined, with the apocalyptic fantasies of the fundamentalist evangelicals, is a deadly brew.
As I describe in detail in my books Crazy For God and Patience With God this movement has a deep evangelical background. In fact I've been predicting violence from these people for years now, something I talk about in detail in Patience With God (from which I drew material for this article since I have a whole chapter there about the "Left Behind" cult).
My warnings have been largely ignored by the mainstream media who haven't a clue as to the sort of religious paranoia boiling in the Tea Party and other movements.