The most nefariously destructive organization in the world, the Nazi Republican party, has solidified its intent and purpose to destroy humanity in the harshest manner possible. The republican-induced edict to not just marginalize, but criminalize people based solely on their ethnicity is not only beyond the pale, but has cemented its continued legacy as the Fourth Reich.
The new law immediately criminalizes any Latino's existance in the Fatherland of Arizona. Period. There is NO ambiguity here. The republicans, led by their vociferous, ranting imbeciles from radio and Fox News has overtly and frighteningly unashamedly have all but legalized the swastika'ed armbands for their desert stormtrooping law enforcement community.
What is especially insidious about this move by the unintelligent, biased republicans in Arizona is that they have taken the failed repblicanist policies of corporate malfeasance and have transferred the blame to the industrious, hard working, progressive Latino population who, by and large, have a FAR GREATER claim to citizenship than any white-ass "conservative" minion. Indeed, once could say that Mexico has the right to enforce their laws on Arizona, despite constitutional edict that says otherwise. But I digress.
Here are some solutions:
1. Immigration should incorporate amnesty as its major tenet.
2. ALL laws that advocate anyone showing their papers should IMMEDIATELY be challenged in court, with fast-tracked stays of execution for this nazi policy.
3. Start identifying the blame SQUARELY where it belongs...on the 100% republican policies that advocate the transfer of the vast amount of funds from the productive Latino workbase to the destructive, usually all-white bourgeois class.
This is ONLY a start. But what we need to do is to IMMEDIATELY PREVENT such laws from spreading like an insidious poisonous tarantula and ensure that we don't let the teabagging crappers to harp on their ignorance.
This is a start. Frankly, such a law should easily be negated in court. (WHY hasn't Congress fast-tracked Obama's progressive judicial selections for the federal courts yet??? That's another story).