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Salon: Muzzling a Marine

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Sticky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 11:36 PM
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Salon: Muzzling a Marine
Muzzling a Marine
The Pentagon orders the military spokesman featured in the acclaimed documentary "Control Room" not to talk -- and now he plans to walk.

June 4, 2004 | There's a moment a half-hour into "Control Room," Jehane Noujaim's widely acclaimed new documentary about the Arab news channel Al Jazeera and media coverage of the war with Iraq, when U.S. press officer Lt. Josh Rushing discusses his reaction to the brutal images of captured and killed American soldiers that Al Jazeera chose to broadcast in March 2003 -- to the condemnation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

"The night they showed the POWs and dead soldiers ... it was powerful, because Americans won't show those kinds of images," Rushing says. "It made me sick to my stomach." The viewer then expects him to proceed in the same vein of patriotic rhetoric he's been using up to this point in the film -- he is, after all, a Marine -- but instead what follows is an unexpected, and profoundly moving, observation.
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corriger Donating Member (207 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 11:45 PM
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1. good for this man to speak loud
as the americans whore military is not different from their enron.
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Cronus Protagonist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 11:51 PM
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2. Here's what the guy said

At one point he says this of his media diet: "When I watch Al Jazeera, I can tell what they're showing and then I can tell what they're not showing by choice. Same thing when I watch Fox on the other end of the spectrum." Later on, while talking to Ibrahim about Arab perceptions of America, he says, "No American connects the Palestinian issue and this issue. They're completely different. They might as well be on other sides of the world as far as they're concerned."

Later still, he tells Ibrahim, "If I get out of the Marine Corps and do anything, I want to do something with the Palestinian issue. I don't think Americans are getting good information about it, I really don't."


(not bad, but not much to bother about, if you ask me)

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corriger Donating Member (207 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 12:16 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I do not make this same
Edited on Sat Jun-05-04 12:18 AM by corriger
comparison. Al Jazeera is quite a bit more professional than the faux news entertainment organisation and is less open to influence. I do not look at this shit on american television. Look, for the ami's media is extension of governement and not arm of the people. Yes Palestine is intrinsic to all of this. It is 'all' to bother about.

merde, this fool is lost in the spectrum and does not even know this.
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