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Bushido: the Way of the Armchair Warrior

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swag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 11:56 AM
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Bushido: the Way of the Armchair Warrior


Issue of 2004-06-07
Posted 2004-05-31
Knowledge is not important. The armchair warrior strives to attain a state beyond knowledge, a state of deep, non-knowing connection to the universe: in particular, to that portion of the universe which is rich, powerful, or related to him by blood.

The unenlightened speak of “failures of intelligence.” But the armchair warrior knows that “intelligence”—the effort of the mind to observe facts, apply reason, and reach conclusions about what is true and what ought to be done—is a delusion, making the mind turn in circles like an ass hitched to a mill. The armchair warrior feels in his hara, or gut, what ought to be done. He is like a warhorse that races into battle, pulling behind him the chariot of logic and evidence. When the people see the magnificent heedlessness of his charge, they cannot help but be carried along.

The warrior spirit resides in the hara. It is this spirit, and not any deed, that is the mark of the true warrior. Thus, a man who has avoided military service may be a greater and braver warrior than a man who has served his country in battle, sustained grave wounds, performed “heroic” deeds, and been honored with clanking, showy medals pinned to his garment.

Because human beings are prone to illusion, the sounds and sights of battle—the groans of the wounded, the maimed bodies of one’s comrades—may remain in the mind for many years, like a cloud that confuses judgment. Hence, a man who has fought on the battlefield and has later risen to high office may be fearful of leading his people to war. Such weakness does not afflict the armchair warrior, who at all times is firm in his resolve.

. . .
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scarletlib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 07:17 PM
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1. Scathing Sarcasm
A great read
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Miss Authoritiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 09:54 PM
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2. Very, very clever.
I did a little research on bushido and came up with this: it is a code and way of life that emphasizes "loyalty, self sacrifice, justice, sense of shame, refined manners, purity, modesty, frugality, martial spirit, honor and affection."

I guess for "Bushido" it's safe to cross off: self-sacrifice, justice, sense of shame, refined manners, purity, modesty, frugality, honor, and affection. So that leaves Bush with loyalty (demanded of others only) and martial spirit (also demanded of others only).

Description of bushido from
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Lisa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 06:35 PM
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3. I'm sending this to my Nisei father ...
Dad will bust his "hara" laughing!
"The armchair warrior does not fear death, especially not the death of other people."

And the last sentence in the piece is unforgettable. So true.

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