The 'process' began with the Nixon Whitehouse and the Asst. Attorneys, in the Attorney Generals Office, under that Administration. One of these, by the name of Rehnquist, was 'rewarded' for his participation, with a job in our United States Supreme Courthouse. It was then that the Department of Justice was ordered, and eagerly complied, with a request very similar to that which John Ashcroft acted in Contempt of Congress to conceal. The objective was to place Nixon, and all others in the Executive Branch of Government, 'Above the Law', with an argument of 'Official Immunity'.
For the past 35 years 'America' has been systematically, quietly, 'redefined'. They did not succeed but some of the same people involved in this were then given positions where they could implement this as 'Law' through dicta from our judicial Branch. The 'redefinition' abolished our most important Constitutional protection. The 'Prohibition of Titles of Nobility', established in Article I, sections 9 & 10. The 'immunity' doctrine grants 'Nobility status to ALL who are employed, and collectively make up, our government(s).
The most recent excuse for this 'redefinition' came on September 11, 2001. People have short memories but I remember, with horror, the frequent reference to 'America Redefined'. One network even adopted this as the Title of their News Program for the year following. The result is an Administration, and government, that acts with impunity. 'They' are not 'under Law'. They, in their minds, ARE 'the law'.
Few Americans today know the definition of America. It is found in our Constitution but ONLY if one realizes our Constitution was established to 'Secure the Blessings of Liberty' that blood was shed to secure. The definition of 'Liberty', and therefore what became the United States of America, is what I call 'Americanism' or, in other words, the definition of America as a Nation of People. It is the common characteristic that defines us as a Nation. It is what established our Government as a Government under the Rule of Law and clearly makes a distinction between our Government and our Nation. They are NOT one-in-the-same. Becoming aware of this distinction there is, then, no doubt that the Government under our current administration is a ROGUE government.
<snip> pretty much sums it up.