Rather than investing the wealth of America in rebuilding a collapsing economy and a crumbling infrastructure, our government has gambled it away on a very bad investment, namely, war. That wealth should have been used in the process of restoring stability to our nation but it was not and a great opportunity was squandered. I often think about the America that might have been.
Especially since America entered the 21st century, our presidents, first Bush and then Obama have invested the wealth of America on destructive weapons of war; guns, bullets, missiles and bombs. The rate of return on this risky investment has been nothing more than massive destruction in foreign lands and the deaths of far too many innocent civilians and U.S. troops.
We could and should have invested those mega-billions of dollars into the creation of jobs, jobs and more jobs; we could have stopped the hemorrhaging of our industrial sector by creating new industries to develop and manufacture solar panels, windmills, alternate fuels and other energy-saving products. The opportunity was there for the taking, but we failed to seize it and are now paying a heavy price for our misguided actions.
Instead of investing billions of dollars on deadly drones and hellfire missiles, and the employment of contractor/mercenary companies, our government could have funded programs for the creation and development of autos, busses and trucks fueled by electricity and natural gas. It could have funded mass transit systems within cities, together with high speed rail and even bullet trains between major cities. We could have replaced our totally obsolete rail passenger system, AMTRAK, with fast, modern trains such as those now commonly used in Japan, China, and European countries.
http://www.opednews.com/articles/A-Vision-Of-An-America-Tha-by-michael-payne-110112-758.htmlLetting the greedy. selfish, cruel, evil, pathological lying conservative filth run this country for the last 30 years will go down in history as the cause of the American collapse.