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WikiLeaks cables: 'Baby Doc' Duvalier's possible return to Haiti concerned US

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 05:55 PM
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WikiLeaks cables: 'Baby Doc' Duvalier's possible return to Haiti concerned US
The US expressed its concern about the possible return of Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier to Haiti as far back as 2006, when the country was about to hold elections, according to a confidential US diplomatic cable.

Five years on, US fears have materialised with the shock return of the former dictator last night. Duvalier, who was toppled from power in 1986, returns at a time when Haiti is struggling to recover from a devastating earthquake and amid a fraught election campaign.

In 2006 Lisa Kubiske, the US charge d'affaires in the Dominican Republic, which neighbours Haiti, alerted the Dominican foreign minister, Carlos Morales Troncoso, about Duvalier's possible return.

"Kubiske expressed USG concern over a return to Haiti of either Duvalier or Aristide . Both potentially were provocative and could complicate the ability of any new government to establish itself," the February 2006 cable said.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 09:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. "...concern over a return to Haiti of EITHER Duvalier or Aristide"??? Aristide is the legitimate,
elected president of the country, whom the Bush Junta thugs ousted and exiled, just as the U.S.-supported rightwing junta did to the elected president of Honduras in 2009.

In fact, Honduras is the template for Obama/Clinton/Panetta utter contempt for democracy in Latin America.

Their hypocrisy is mind-boggling.


"'Kubiske expressed USG concern over a return to Haiti of either Duvalier or Aristide . Both potentially were provocative and could complicate the ability of any new government to establish itself,' the February 2006 cable said." (my emphasis)


WHAT would the return of the legitimate, elected president, Aristide, "complicate" in Haiti? I'll tell you what. It would "complicate" U.S. creation of a slave labor client state in the interest of multinational corporations, banksters and the Pentagon's "Southern Command." THAT's what it would "complicate."

But this blood-stained asshole, "Baby Doc," will be no problem at all. The U.S. just has to give him enough U.S. "war on drugs" military aid to kill off the trade union leadership, community organizers, human rights workers, teachers, small farmer activists and anybody else who dares raise their head as advocates of the poor majority, as U.S. military aid does in Honduras and Colombia, and all "complications" go away.

The U.S. is and has always been allied with Haiti's tiny rich fascist elite, who stole all the land. Nothing has changed. The U.S. earthquake aid is going through their grubby hands and, of course, the poor are still in tent cities--hungry, homeless, jobless, with all systems such as education, food production and health care disabled. The ideal slave labor force--they have no choices and no protections. This is what U.S. policy is aimed at in the "third world," whether it's Democrats or Pukes apparently running things. If the U.S. had not wanted "Baby Doc" back, he wouldn't be there. He's there because Haitians rejected a fraudulent U.S. election. If they're going to get so uppity--when their role is to be abject--then this is what they get: "Baby Doc's" facilitated return. No matter what the U.S. says openly or in low security cables, that is what is going on.

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Matilda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-11 12:53 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. You're probably right that Baby Doc couldn't have got back if the U.S. didn't allow it.
Edited on Tue Jan-18-11 12:54 AM by Matilda
They'd rather have a murdering, corrupt leader than a socialist one, even though Aristide was the only honest politician in Haiti for at least the past two hundred years.

Sorry, but they've got it so hopelessly wrong again. This can't be good for Haiti, not in any way. I was a child when I first heard of Papa Doc, but even I knew the name and its association with evil, and the son was no improvement.
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