Saturday June 26 2004 00:00 IST
CHENNAI: A systematic compilation of data on incidents of torture has been initiated in the state by activists of Campaign Against Torture.
Informing this to the Press on Friday, Henry Tipghane, organiser, `People's Watch', and convenor of Campaign Against Torture, a front consisting of four human rights organisations, said findings of the study would be submitted from time to time to the National Human Rights Commission, the Central Commissions for SC & ST, Women, and to the UN.
The aim of the study, he said, was to alert the government and other stake-holders on the enormity of incidents of torture that also include cases not reported in the media or recorded in police stations. The findings will be circulated to the Press every month. The extent of media exposure on torture was presently only 10 percent of what was actually taking place, he added.
Marking the occasion, a state-level conference on torture is being organised. The conference will deliberate on the government's dithering over ratifying the UN declaration on Torture, though the country is a signatory to it. The conference will also make resolutions to urge the government to recognise the International Criminal Court.