for sure,
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - Thomas Jefferson ... and, knowing to be on alert is good, but it's sad that we know it has happened; that it can happen again; that we expect it to happen; and, that it has happened before by the same people who MIHOP, at least, twice already - 1980 and 2000 ...
Diebold technology enables it to happen easier ... if it happened pre-digital/computerized world, with analog type machines, it had to be more difficult to cover-up ... if the VoteScam investigations by journalists James and Kenneth Collier are spot-on ... it may have happened under less obvious situations.
can happen and what the BFEE (to use a collective point of reference)is
capable and willing of doing is frightening ... they don't care about honesty, fair play, life or death, the Founding Principles ... it's possible that multiple "October Surprises" could occur ... some may have already occurred ... some may be occurring as we speak ... the GOP seem to enjoy us living in fear ..... which is ... tyranny ... and tyranny is terrorizing its citizens ...
We know, for example, what a energy grid failure can do ... was what happened last year a test run? and, considering the last one was traced back to Ohio, a battleground state ... well, it's worth a thought ...
The blackout that hit the northeastern United States and parts of
Canada yesterday exposed the steadily growing vulnerability of the nation's nearly 200,000-mile network of high-voltage transmission lines, say experts. The North American Electric Reliability Council (NAERC) -- the industry advisory and watchdog group over the transmission system -- warned last year, "The nation is at . . . a crisis stage with respect to reliability of transmission grids."
David Cook, NAERC general counsel, told Congress two years ago:
"The question is not whether, but when, the next major failure of
the grid will occur."
Electricity deregulation over the past decade dramatically increased the volume of power flowing on the grids -- however, investment in transmission lines dwindled. concern is that there will be so many poll problems nationwide that, especially in states too close to call, that no 'winner' can be determined ... what does our history and experience tell us to do in such a situation? I'm sure Greaseman and Bush frontman James Baker and henchman Karl Rove have the process mapped out ... for whatever happens, or they MHOP ...
The BFEE and their enablers have pushed this Nation to the point of constitutional crisis more than once ... as if they have familiarized their strategies around weaknesses in our Constitution or areas of our Constitution which have yet been fully vetted or tested by precedent ... e.g., Cheney's residence in 2000, Texas v. Wyoming certainly tip-toed around Constitutional requirements for a president and vice president; and, they got away with it. Odd that at the time that Cheney was registering to vote in Wyoming, he, also, was serving as a Trustee for the Poppy Bush Presidential Library Foundation, where his residence was listed as "Texas" ...... don't worry, he's not a Trustee this year ... so, they've cleaned up their tracks ...
The biggest "October Surprise" will be if there is none.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - Thomas Jefferson
Such an absence could only be preparing a future "October Surprise" hoping we let our guard down in 2008.
I won't trust the system until there are some felons and traitors behind bars ... the names are too numerous ... but, they're all out there on the stage ... and, affecting our destiny.
Notable Votescam quotes:
"I don't want to get caught up in this thing!" -- Joyce Dieffenderfer, former president of the League of Women Voters, after admitting the TV networks lied about hiring the League on election night.
"You'll never prove it, now get out!" -- Elton Davis, TV network computer programmer responsible for magically "projecting" 100% accurate vote results.
"This may be the biggest vote fraud scandal ever to rock the nation!" -- Mike Wallace of "60 Minutes" upon reviewing the Votescam evidence. However, after meeting with his higher-up's, Mr. Wallace dropped the issue like a vial of Anthrax.
"When you're dealing with the networks, gentleman, you're dealing with a shadow government." -- ABC Supreme Court correspondent, Tim O'Brien, explaining why the station refused to run video taped evidence of vote fraud.