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The White Housing releasing ANG docs...I'm tired

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Dees Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 07:07 PM
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The White Housing releasing ANG docs...I'm tired
of this hunta treating me like a dolt. Like these docs haven't been filtered and sweetened. These docs are released by the same corrupt party that handed me Watergate, Reagan(liar), Iran Contra(Bush, North, Poindexter, Reagan) and Ape Boy with his fellow tree sitters with(Iraq, WMD, Harken, Haliburton, Enron). This the party of Richard Nixon, Ronnie Raygun, Poppy, North, Mitchell, Haldeman, Erlichman and on and on. Who in hell would believe a damn thing that supports his attendance in AANG coming from the party of corruption, lying and deceit.
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 07:17 PM
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1. but the GOP sent me an email saying they were the nice guys - and Dems
Edited on Fri Feb-13-04 07:17 PM by papau
ignore the "evidence" that Bush did his duty in the Guard! The email was a great example of the partial truth lie!

From te GOP/RNC: We highlight policies and note Senator John Kerry's long record. They, in turn, accuse the President of desertion-a military crime punishable by death - as the Clark campaign did; or accuse the President of being AWOL, a felony punishable by imprisonment, as DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe has done. Terry McAuliffe has become the John Wilkes Booth of Presidential character assassination.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but they are not entitled to their own facts. On Tuesday, new documents proved again that the President served honorably in the National Guard:
• The Washington Times published a letter from Col. William Campenni who says he was a lieutenant with President Bush in the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (and that time frame is not the time frame he was AWOL).
• The White House released military records that show the President fulfilled requirements necessary for an honorable discharge from the Texas Air National Guard in 1973(RECORDS OF A DENTAL EXAM PROVED WHAT AGAIN?).
• The documents include pay and accreditation records stored on microfilm in a U.S. government military archives in Colorado.(9 PAYS DO NOT A YEAR MAKE - EVEN THE AP SAYS 25 DAYS PAY IN A YEAR DOES NOT A YEAR MAKE)
• On Thursday the military released records of one Lt. George W. Bush's visit to an Air Force dentist while on guard duty in Alabama.TOOTH FAIRY ? -BUT I DO LIKE EQUATING A DENTIST VISIT WITH SERVING - AND THIS IS A GREAT JOKE The media was probably ready to follow up with, "Well, that only proves his teeth were there, but do you have any proof of the rest of his body being there?"
• Until today, when John B. "Bill" Calhoun, an officer in the
Alabama Air National Guard, said he remembered President Bush sitting in his office in Montgomery during 1972:
"He'd sit on my couch and read training manuals and accident reports and stuff like that," Calhoun told The Washington Post. "The pilots would read those so they would see what other guys did wrong. . . . He never complained about coming."BUT DO THEY MENTION THAT BUSH HAS ALREADY SAID HE WAS NOT THERE - AT THE TIME CALHOUN SAYS HE WAS THERE - AND THE PAY STUBS AGREE WITH BUSH AND "NOT THERE"

It's only February and they have made clear they intend to run the dirtiest campaign in modern presidential politics. This is because they don't want a debate on the issues, and they don't want to run on Sen. Kerry's record. I guess I can't blame them for that. We as a party cannot sink to their level. We must stick to the truth in this race.


it is hard to stop laughing!

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