Then starting tomorrow, she's on that 7 day break, which, we can ONLY hope is to work out the last details in getting her syndicated! I wish they could find a way to have Neil Rogers as part of the network, but I know there's no way IN HELL, considering he's 900 times more raunchy than Howard Stern could dream of! But he's such an outstanding liberal show, and it's a shame to not see it heard outside of South Florida. And GODDAMN you at Faux Nukes for trying to get Neil off the air, you assholes! NICE TRY, NOT! Anyways, I'd like to see Al Franken do 2 to 3 PM between Neil and Randi (no sandwitch jokes please!) to kinda try him out and see if he translates to radio ok. Ok, I'm done being a radio program! Hehhe.
So whatever happened to having Janeane Garofalo being a part of the liberal network???
There, I'm done! Lucky me, I'm off today, so I can listen to Randi thank Gods!
Lu Cifer
PS Randi archvies availible at PLEASE donate if you can. I would if I could (same to DU...) but I'm all but homeless. Thank you to the worderful great pay of FloriDUH jobs, NOT! Hear her morning reports, any interviews that she does with the heavy hitters in Washington like Sen. Bob Graham, Sen. Tom Harkin, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Sen. Carl Levin, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Sen. Byron Dorgan, Al Franken, Rep. Tom Allen (D-ME), Dennis Kucinich, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Jim McDermott, Rep. Robert Wexler, Sen. Henry Waxman, Madeline Albright, Wesley Clark, Rep. Henry Waxman, and more, plus others like Bill Maher, Scott Ritter, Neal Pollack, Joe Conason, Greg Palast, Paul Krugman, David Corn, Janeane Garofalo and MORE elsewhere are pulled out SEPERATELY and made available to you if you don't want to listen to the whole show!!!! This guy works his ASS OFF to bring them to throw whatever you can to help with his bandwidth costs...and I hear he even has Randi CDs available to the high-dollar donors!!!!"