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Don't the new military records prove * lied?

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kerouac Donating Member (288 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 11:11 AM
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Don't the new military records prove * lied?
Edited on Sat Feb-14-04 11:11 AM by kerouac
Correct me if I'm wrong here.. but doesn't this stack of military records that Bush just released prove that he (and his administration, including Karen Hughes over the past x years) lied about the existence of additional records?

Shrub stated "if we still have them" to Tim Russert on national TV, regarding his military records (q&a below direct from MSNBC transcript). Obviously, Bush knew they had more records because you don't just come up with 400+ pages of records overnight - so he lied in his recent interview.

Not only that, but Karen Hughes likely had many of these files when she wrote his book - so he's been lying about having more paperwork for years publicly.

We should have people asking themselves "if he lied about that, then what else did he lie about in the interview?"

We need to spotlight his lying about his knowledge of these additional records as the main issue instead of just the missing guard time. This should be a COVER-UP controversy first and a missing duty controversy second.

What other documents might Bush and his admin be covering-up right now? Energy dept. meetings, Bin Laden intel, pre-9/11 intel, and Iraq WMD intel? Hiding shrubs records could open a whole uncovered-records can of worms for this admin and destroy their credibility (rightfully so).


Russert: When allegations were made about John McCain or Wesley Clark on their military records, they opened up their entire files. Would you agree to do that?

President Bush: Yeah. Listen, these files — I mean, people have been looking for these files for a long period of time, trust me, and starting in the 1994 campaign for governor. And I can assure you in the year 2000 people were looking for those files as well. Probably you were. And — absolutely. I mean, I —

Russert: But you would allow pay stubs, tax records, anything to show that you were serving during that period?

President Bush: Yeah. If we still have them, but I — you know, the records are kept in Colorado, as I understand, and they scoured the records.

And I'm just telling you, I did my duty, and it's politics, you know, to kind of ascribe all kinds of motives to me. But I have been through it before. I'm used to it. What I don't like is when people say serving in the Guard is — is — may not be a true service.

Russert: But you authorize the release of everything to settle this?

President Bush: Yes, absolutely.

We did so in 2000, by the way.
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sallyseven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 11:21 AM
Response to Original message
1. He just lies because the
truth would get his butt kicked our of office. He needs to steal the election so he cannot let the truth get out.
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CityZen-X Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 12:04 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. The Lies Just Keep Coming!
The paper proof that the Lord of the Lies was AWOL have been on the Internet for some time now. Anyone in this country who swallows anything this Lord of the Lies vomits deserves the Amerika that comes with it!
2004 we burn this Bu$h*t and pass the leche on the left hand side!
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Kazak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 11:23 AM
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2. What credibility?
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caber09 Donating Member (161 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 11:28 AM
Response to Original message
3. Interesting to Note...
"All his military files that exist" have been released on 3 separate occasions...Mon, Wed, Fri...thats 3 times each the admin has said they released everything and there wasnt anything to follow. This Calhoun guys witnessing of service contradicts even what Bush said lol. Personally, and to many of my friends, including military vets in my family and office, these records being released have only raised more questions about his service, not squashed them.
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kerouac Donating Member (288 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 11:32 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. plus, very detailed records, then scimpy ones.

How can you have hundreds of pages of documents and evaluation reports for a few years, and then just a scimpy amount for one year. There should be a similar level of documentation..

Furthermore, how about checking the records of other guardsmen from Alabama at that time to see how complete, or incomplete, their records are. If those he supposedely served with have detailed files, then it shows his files have been scrubbed.
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kerouac Donating Member (288 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 11:35 AM
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5. and how about phone records from 1997?

That's when the garbage can was witnessed to have shrubs files in it. The witness said that he overheard phone conversations with *'s campaign people and book people. Shouldn't there be phone records back and forth between Texas and Alabama in 1997? Those would be interesting to see.
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murielm99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. This reminds me of when Nixon
had his tapes transcribed into hundreds of notebooks, and offered them up, instead of the actual tapes.

He appeared on television, with the notebooks stacked behind him, and said, "I am not a crook."
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