Evolved out of the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress (CSFS), established by Paul Weyrich and Joseph Coors in Jule 1974. "It was formed in 1977 to meet a dual purpose: 1. to examine public policies in social and family areas, and 2. to conduct studies of the electoral process." Focuses on training eledted officials and grassroots activists to participate in the political process. In 1990, this expertise was taken to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It engages in political activity through publishing, organizing forums on Capitol Hill and elsewhere, networking with other right-wing groups, lobbying and through the Free Congress PAC. At the Christian Coalition Road to Victory II conference, September 11th and 12th, 1992, Weyrich announced plans for the FCF to work closely with the Christian Coalition.
Paul Weyrcih's association with Coors goes back to the early 1970's. Weyrich and Coors shared a desire to influence governmental policies toward a radical right position. In the 1970's, Richard Viguerie did the direct-mail fundraising for the CSFC. "Weyrich, Viguerie and Howard Philips were trying to create a new center of political action to the right of the Republican Party, which they saw as too moderate."