We know what we are up against, and looking at the Bush* machine realistically, there is only a very slight bit of hope. The power of the dark side is almost total and they are almost completely in control (money, media, military, and the government). The optimists (here and elsewhere) just do not recognize the depths to which the repukes will go to hold power. If you think the shit they pulled in 2000 was outrageous, just wait 'til this fall. Back then they were trying to grab power, and were successful. Now, they have the power and even more influence and to think that they will be less successful in holding it is delusional. As long as we try to fight on their terms, or rather, on the terms they pretend to adhere to (fair elections), we lose. Thus, we waste millions of dollars and countless hours of effort in trying to play in a rigged game. Repukes have well learned the lesson of Bush*, that is, there are no consequences for any of their actions. They lie and nothing happens. They destroy lives and nothing happens. They kill and nothing happens. The ONLY way to fight them is to make them personally suffer consequences for the things they do. And maybe that is the real lesson of what Bobby was saying. Not in do-good and feel-good activities that bring miniscule positive results - but direct actions against the enemies that cause so much harm. Mass or group actions, when lined up against an enemy that has all the power and force on their side, are doomed to fail. One person can do things that bring the effects of their actions to them. That would appear to be the only way.