A popular government, without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy; or, perhaps, both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. James Madison
There are two court rulings, one in New York and one in Florida, which ruled that there is no law, rule or regulation, that makes the Media tell the American people the truth.
They can legally lie to us!
Is this good for the American people or our Republic?
Do you remember the Bush Administration started a sub-agency which was set up for the express purpose of Propaganda and telling lies? Not that they need any help in that area....anytime they open their mouths, they can not help lying!
We need to take back control of the media. We need to pass laws (and I can not believe that I want any more laws, but I do, for the people in power need to be controlled), which make it a crime to knowingly lie to the American people!
If I can be jailed, for lying to the Government, why should they not be equally at risk for lying to the rulers (that's us) of this country?
Right now, only six corporations own all of the media, except a couple of local newspapers who have refused to be bought out. They are owned by extreme right Republican interests. The FCC changed the ownership rules and so many people wrote their Congress, that it was overturned, But then Bush vetoed that.
We need to take back our country & take back the media! This may be a "chicken or the egg" type of situation!