But I'll address the "Clinton let bin Laden go" lie. This info is from Franken's "Lies" book.
The lie started with (and is perpetuated by) Sean Hannity. He says that a Pakistani-American named Mansoor Ijaz acted as a gobetween for the Sudan, carrying the offer to give the US bin Laden. Sandy Berger, National Security Advisor, met with Ijaz and pegged him as unreliable. Ijaz wanted the US to lift the sanctions placed on the Sudan (put there because of Sudanese support of terrorist groups)--interesting because Ijaz was an investor in Sudanese oil companies.
Berger talked to the Sudanese government to see if they were willing to give bin Laden up. They weren't. End of story.
Ijaz, however, now works for Fox News as foreign affairs analyst.
The WaPo, a year or two ago, had a long article about the transition from Clinton's to *'s NSA. In a nutshell, Berger told Rice that al Qaeda would be the most important issue to deal with. Rice ignored him. It's a great overview of the differences between Clinton's attention to terrorism and *'s.
Remind your doctor that it was Clinton who caught and convicted the first WTC bombers. It was Clinton who kept a sub in the Gulf with the specific mission to launch a cruise missile at bin Laden if we ever pinpointed his location (the sub was withdrawn by *).
And then remind him that it was * who allowed a private plane to pick up members of the bin Laden family around the US on 9/11--the ONLY non-military flight allowed that day. It was * who permitted an escape route from Afghanistan to Pakistan (Seymour Hersh, the New Yorker) that was likely used by bin Laden to get out of Afghanistan.
I'd better stop before this turns into a rant. Hope that helps.