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Nader's Presidential Run Press Release

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seventhson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 01:59 AM
Original message
Nader's Presidential Run Press Release
Edited on Sat Feb-21-04 02:04 AM by seventhson
that we should see:

Nader's Presidential Run Press Release 2-21-2004

Mr. Nader, who is a certifiable Spook for the International BFEE, specializes as a "fixer" for black political operations in near Democratic Institutions globally.

He was educated at Princeton University with his good friends Don "Dracula" Rumsfeld and Frank "Lumumba Killer" Carlucci where he was a proud (but oh-so-secret) member of the infamous bloodcurdling order of the supper clubs, where he was originally recruited as a wolf-in-dove's-feathers professional "Fixer and Grand Master of the order of Black-Ops and Provocateurship" or "FGMOBOP!"

Therein as an an undergrad he was chosen for his ethnic chameleonship by the OLD SPOOKS NATHAN HALE SECRET CIA CONTRACTORS ALLIANCE or "OSNHSCCA" for a long term fellowship and lifetime appointment in deep cover.

To this day his friends and colleagues at "FGMOBOP" and "OSNHSCCA" still get paroxysmic fits of giggles and shits over his acclaimed and outrageous, award-winning performance in the butt reaming and evisceration of the bowels of Democracy in America and Albert "Oxy" Gore in the year 2000.

He is scheduled to receive the GOLDEN DULLES Award at this year's fete and is still in the running for the same award in 2004.

Only "Temporary" from the sister tea club at Yale (which is so secret we cannot even talk about it) has recieved the award twice within a 4 year period (for the MIHOP and SOTU doubleheader with a trifecta twist)

He announces the launch of his "campaign" for pResident (ha ha - it's really for the award) tomorrow on the MultiNational News and Military Network "MNNMN"

Let's see if he can get at least an assist in this year's proposed trifecta/MIHOP events planned at the last annual Old Spooks of Princeton Secret Karibbean Koffee Klatch if he does not earn the top spot.

"Good Luck Ralphy!!!" say all the Old Princeton Spooks and secret intel contractors/collaborators from the BFEE Social Club!


MNNMN Dispatch # 322-666


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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 02:04 AM
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