Edited on Sun Feb-29-04 11:00 AM by TruthIsAll
Dear Senator Kerry:
Although I was not originally a supporter, I want to congratulate you on your performance in the primaries.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the nation to reverse the horrific policies of the Bush Administration. We cannot afford to lose. Yes, all the issues are on our side. We know that Bush and Co is the most corrupt administration in history. But it is not the purpose of this letter to discuss all these issues, except for one which has not yet been debated. And this is the one issue which must not be ignored.
What happened to Al Gore in 2000 will surely happen to you in 2004 on a much larger scale unless action is taken now.
A massive fraud is clearly being hatched to deny you and the American people the Presidency. I say this with 100% certainty. The proof is in the action (and inaction) of corrupt election officials throughout the land. They refuse to implement safeguards that our votes will be counted fairly; in fact, recounts will no longer be an option. The votes will be lost forever in Cyberspace. There will be no record, unlike those hanging chads or illegal absentee ballots or mysterious double-punched ballots or crooked butterfly ballots which cost Al Gore the election – along with massive voter disenfranchisement.
No, Senator, we have not gotten over it. And this time it will be even worse.
You are already ahead in the polls. Bush, through Karl Rove, that master of deception, will try every trick, tell every lie and destroy your character in every way possible in order to bring you down. They would like to win the election through character assassination, but they know that the odds are heavily against them.
If all else fails, they will utilize their weapon of last resort: the touch-screen voting machines. The strategy is already in place. HAVA was nothing more than a classic dupe of the American people and a tech-challenged Congress to replace broken chads and double-punched ballots with an even more insidious vote transfer from the Democrats to Republicans in Cyberspace. Diebold is getting ready to take a big “byte” out of the votes. They will take as many votes as they need to win the key states. Check out Volusia County in Florida 2000. Over sixteen thousand Gore votes were magically dropped from his total, giving the Republican media at MSNBC (Jack Welch) and Bush’s cousin (John Ellis) at FOX an opening to call it for Bush.
Supposedly rational election officials are now telling us with a straight face (see Glenda Hood in Florida) that the technology to produce voter-verified paper ballots DOES NOT EVEN EXIST YET. This is a LIE. And in those other jurisdictions where election officials recognize that the technology does exist, they are forced to claim that it is too costly to implement a printer interface. They all end their arguments by saying that the touch-screens are failure-proof, anyway and a printed record is not necessary; after all, they are computers, and computers never fail, right? This is an arrogant position, a major lie, which flies in the face of many studies (Johns Hopkins Univ, etc.).
The fact is that in those precincts where Diebold and other Republican manufacturers have installed their machines, they have invariably won elections they were expected to lose. Just ask Max Cleland about Georgia 2002.
I am sure you are well aware of all this. You have already spoken out on the peril. So have Kucinich and Dean. This is just a reminder. Bring it up every time on your stump speech or during debates. Now it is in your responsibility as the standard bearer to educate the public on this issue.
There is nothing more important than our vote. If we get the paper trail, you win; if not, you may very well lose those key states you must carry: FL, MO, TN, CA, PA, etc. You will surely get more than enough votes to defeat Bush. But will they be counted?
Truth Is All