Does anyone know if McCain filed his papers to run again in AZ?
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Fri Jun-04-04 08:58 PM
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Does anyone know if McCain filed his papers to run again in AZ? |
He was supposed to do it yesterday. If he did then he can't run with Kerry. If he didnt he only has 5 days left to do it.
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Fri Jun-04-04 09:02 PM
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CNN BSer's said this about puts an end to all the speculation about him running for VP with Kerry because Arizona law stipulates that you can't run for 2 offices at the same time.
As much as I like McCain, I'm glad to see him back in the Senate. He's one of a very few Pubs there who makes sense most of the time, and tries to keep the nuts in line.
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Fri Jun-04-04 09:05 PM
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2. Dagnabbit! I grew accustomed to the McCain threads... |
"s OK. There's always Zinni. (and the GOP has many people)
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Fri Jun-04-04 10:08 PM
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3. I saw Zinni on Debra Norville yesterday |
& he said that Bill Clinton was a really smart guy. He said whenever he briefed him, Clinton got it right away, because he was a quick study.
He did not assess Shrub s intelligence.
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Fri Jun-04-04 10:36 PM
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4. Of course he can run with Kerry |
Unless there has been a law passed since 1988, there is nothing stopping McCain from running for the Senate and VP.
Lloyd Bentson did in 1988.
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Fri Jun-04-04 11:02 PM
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5. I was only repeating what the CNN reporter said. |
He said this was an Arizona law. I don't know if it matters, but Bentson wasn't from Az.
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Wed Feb 19th 2025, 05:40 PM
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