on the head. He appears to have a PD with narcissism being the most obvious feature. I was employed as a psychiatric social worker for decades, but this is not as difficult for lay people to understand as are psychotic disorders. Think of normal childhood development, where a small child thinks that they are the exact center of the universe. They do not want to share toys, are not fully aware of the impact of their behaviors on others, and want their needs met NOW. Parents, and in human history particularly mothers, teach children that although they are special, other people exist as individuals, with needs distinct from the said child.
Little george never reached this stage of development. His relationship with mommy convinced him that he was indeed special. The love/hate relationship with the father is a whole 'nother subject, though we see the conflict being played out in a way that has caused the deaths of over 800 American soldiers.
Because dad doesn't place little george at the exact center of the universe, dad is wrong. So little george seeks and finds other daddy-figures, including cheney, etc. But none are fully able to meet his needs. Thus, little george has created a "Bigger Father" in a projection of "god" that he honestly believes has placed him at dead center of history, in the seat of heavenly power on earth.
If the great god himself places george in this role, than george can do no wrong. Odd, this is exactly the same message his mommy gave him. And this is how the fellow got his PD.... by lacking an emotional maturity that most 7-year olds have.