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UN Says U.S. Soldiers Could Face War Crimes Charges

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Scooter24 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 09:22 AM
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UN Says U.S. Soldiers Could Face War Crimes Charges
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations' top human rights official said on Friday abuses by U.S. soldiers of Iraqi prisoners at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison could amount to war crimes.

Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights Bertrand Ramcharan said U.S.-led occupation forces had committed ``serious violations'' of international humanitarian law in Iraq and had ill-treated ordinary Iraqis.

In a report for the world body's Human Rights Commission, Ramcharan, a British-trained barrister from Guyana and long-time U.N. official, also said coalition troops were able to act with impunity and urged the appointment of an independent figure to monitor their behavior.

In a clear reference to the Abu Ghraib incidents, since when several U.S. male and female soldiers working there have been detained, Ramcharan said ``willful killing, torture or inhuman treatment'' of detainees was a grave breach of international law.


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bryant69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 09:28 AM
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1. Interesting
I wonder how this will play out. I suspect if Bush wins the election it will just be another reason to completely withdraw from the UN. If Kerry Wins it will put him in a tough spot; he'll probably work out some kind of deal to keep our soldiers tried in a world court. What else can he do?

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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 11:11 AM
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3. hand them over in chains....
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2Design Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 09:29 AM
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2. amazing we have court martial the guy who bought it to light by
taking pictures.....RumsfeldCo have push their message to the miltary, if you take pictures or speak up you life is over.....
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Spazito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 11:37 AM
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4. War crimes trials can and should happen within the US...
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