Today's radio address.
"We're now about three years into the war against terrorism. We've met great challenges and there are more ahead. This is no time for impatience or self-defeating pessimism. We have work to do in the defense of our country and for the good of humanity, and by doing our duty and holding firm to our values, this generation will give the world a lesson in the power of liberty."

"The challenges of our time extend beyond Iraq. The war on terror is being fought on many fronts, and since September the 11th, we have seen terrorist violence from Morocco to Indonesia. Yet the center of this conflict remains the Middle East. If that region is abandoned to dictators and terrorists, it will be a constant source of violence and alarm, exporting killers of increasing sophistication and destructive power. If that region grows in democracy, prosperity and hope, the terrorist movement will lose its sponsors, lose its recruits, and lose the festering grievances that keep terrorists in business. It is our work to win this struggle."