Having shrub in the WH is turning me into a non-patriotic person. Last weekend I refused to "acknowledge" Memorial Day, this week it's D Day. shrub is just turning all these holidays into cheap photo ops, and because I feel it's just an act, I refuse to watch.
Do we really have to wait 7 months til we get rid of this abominal idiot? I am a veteran who loves her country very much. When I watch ceremonies on TV that involve the flag, the Star Spangled Banner, etc., I usually stand, now with my hand over my heart (instead of saluting). With this clown and his regime, I remain seated in protest, and feel like crap.
I wake up every morning wondering what new jewel of filth or criminality that this regime is involved with today. I am burnt out on BOOS (thanks Jeff in Brooklynn) - bush outrage overload syndrome has really gotten to me.
I don't know what I'll do if we get stuck with 4 more years!